Private Paranormal Investigations and Cleansing by Into The Shadows

At Into The Shadows, we understand that paranormal or unexplained occurrences in your home or workplace can be unsettling and even frightening. That's why we offer private investigations and cleansing with an experienced team of trained professionals to help provide answers and comfort.

Our team is fully equipped to handle a variety of situations, including spooky happenings, poltergeist activity, and other paranormal or unexplained events. We have years of experience and are committed to providing a safe and respectful environment for our clients.

Our private investigations are priced at £20 - £300, depending on the location size. We offer a variety of options for house or workplace cleansing, with prices also ranging from £20 - £300 depending on location size, the number of team required and the number of times the cleansing needs to occur.

If you're interested in scheduling a private investigation or cleansing, please email us with your enquiry and requirements. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.